




The concept of this torture has also moved into the modernistic era. Here women are punished in the post modern sense. They are depicted in punishment clothing that draws an erotic attention to the body. Women are depicted in their feminine traits more openly, supporting the feminism order but also proving true Foucault concepts. Bordo calls this the incapacitation of the women. An age where Chinese women were with bound feet that even stopped their walking has given rise to a newer generation that is imposed on with high heels that are just as restrictive to walking. Women have trade corsets for more different attires that basically serve the same functionality. They treat their bodies as passive objects or the docile objects that needs to be disciplined and manipulated to adhere to a societal norm or to a cultural norm. A particular posture like that of what was   discussed above, putting oneself into a position of discomfort for hours together and more are seen to  go hand in hand with Foucault’s docile body. The manipulations are seen in the training. Woman has to practice walking in the high heels before she can use them in daily wear. Feminine shoes and corsets are made such that they almost distort the docile body. The shapes of brassieres and more have aimed at this distortion of the women’s bodies.