




This section will discuss the business research methods selected and will review and reflect on them based on some key concepts in the methods and techniques, application areas for the techniques, advantages and disadvantages of these techniques, strengths versus weakness, ethical issues in them, personal implications and more. These discussions will be common to each of the selected technique. The three business research methods/techniques selected for the review are Primary Data Collection with the Questionnaire Methodology; Primary Data Collection with the Semi Structured in-depth Interview; Primary Data Collection through Observation. Some of the key concepts involved in the questionnaire methodology of collecting data for business research are Questionnaire length: The questionnaire length should not be too many or too less. It has to be just right to collect adequate amount of information for the research at hand; Questionnaire Type: Questionnaire should be open-ended or close-ended with non-ambiguous questions. Mode of Delivery: Questionnaire can be presented in different ways; they can even be administered on phone. This technique is used often when responses need to be collected from a larger sample. A large number of people and their opinions can be recorded easily. This is useful when the research objectives are already known and the sample size is also determined accordingly. Here the questions are given to a set of people collected at a pre-determined venue or people on mail etc. The answers are either mailed back or returned in person. Some ethical issues to be kept in mind when using the questionnaire approach is that, respondents should be kept informed of what they are volunteering to. Their consent is important and they should be allowed to non answer questions that they do not want to.An in-depth interview is more open-ended and semi-structured. It is basically a conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee. The purpose of such an interview is usually to collect information. While this is done through the questionnaire methodology also, the difference here is that the respondent’s point of view, feelings and more are taken into consideration here.