




Symbolic capital is that which is recognized as capital, that which has an influence and is also recognized for its competency in markets where economic capital may not be able to penetrate without its aid. An example of this is the matrimonial market. In such situations the power  that it holds is quite symbolic. In matters of culture this form of power and embodiment of capital holds much sense. This symbolic capital also drives economic capital. Possessors of a very large embodiment of the cultural capital will be able to yield profits that benefit them. Therefore the symbolic capital though it does not depict direct financial transfers or property transfers still brings in productivity for the individual. The transmission of rights to the embodiment might not be real but there is still efficacy of distribution that is seen in the way that the person who is the receiver in the exchange benefits similar to the possessor. Sources of this capital cannot be tapped easily as is the case with economic capital and the logics of transmission are stated by Bourdieu to hold the key for its symbolic power. Unlike monetary objectification which can be counted out, here the logics of transmission have to play a great deal in accumulation. For instance a person or say an artist like Picasso lived for so long, it follows that the transmission of cultural capital from the individual would have happened only as so long as he lived.The cultural capital accumulation does exist in the objectified state; however the transmission of cultural capital would have been even greater if he had lived longer. The input to the capital accumulation or production is different from that of economics; nevertheless the cultural capital still has its significance. The Objectified state of the cultural capital is the capital in its material form. Here the material form can be represented as writings or painting. This material form representation is transmissible in its materiality. The transmission of this objectified state of the capital can also be an economic transfer unlike the embodied state. These cultural goods are inherited as property or can be appropriated by means of economic capital. The owner of the cultural capital must be able to possess economical capital or some other equivalent material objectification of cultural capital for the exchange to take place.